What is the Battle Youth National Championship (YNC)?

The Youth National Championship is an elite playoff series that was created to provide a platform for (non all-star) youth football teams to compete at a national level in a well-organized and professional manner. The YNC will crown a true National Champion at every age level from 6U-14U.

Why is this a special event series and how is it different than other “national championships”?

Prior to the 2017 YNC event, there was no way for a team to win an undisputed National Championship title in football. There has always been league champions, but never a true national champion. The YNC was formed by coaches, parents, and industry leaders to provide the best teams a legitimate platform to compete for a coveted YNC National Championship title.

The YNC is different than others in the market for two key reasons. First, the YNC is league agnostic which allows the best teams to compete and not just the best teams that play in a given league. Second, the YNC is shooting to find the very best teams. The YNC will never seek to fill brackets for the sake of generating additional funds.

How do I get my team invited to a YNC series event?

The short answer is to win. Top teams will be selected based on how they play in season and their ability to compete for a national title. If you have a team worthy of competing and you are not part of the ranking system today, please send in your information, so we can give you a look.

What type of environment is the YNC trying to create?

The YNC is committed to developing a youth football environment that teaches young men the beauty of sacrifice, commitment, education, dedication, teamwork and family. The YNC has a zero tolerance policy for unprofessional, violent or threatening behavior. The YNC will not accept behavior (on field or online) that is not professional. Be intense, be passionate, coach your young men up but keep in mind the importance of our words and actions.


See below for a complete listing of this year’s rules.




What does the Youth National Championship calendar look like in 2024?




Where is the 2024 YNC Championship located?

This year’s YNC CHAMPIONSHIP will take place at Village Park Athletics Complex in Wellington, Florida.

For more information, follow the link below.




Where should I stay when attending the Youth National Championship?


Official accommodations for the Youth National Championship are brought to you by
EventConnect, the industry’s leading tournament management system.

Once you’ve registered for the tournament, you will receive email communication from
EventConnect giving you exclusive access to Sponsor Hotels – these hotels ensure all
participants and attendees are receiving the best rates, amenities, and customer service.
To maintain the quality of the event experience, all hotel activity is to take place through
EventConnect, and all travel teams will be contacted by EventConnect.

For assistance with registration or accommodations, please contact EventConnect
Customer Success by email (support@eventconnect.io), phone (1-888-723-2064), or
online chat.

YNC Sponsors

Your Official Transportation Partner for BATTLE Sports National Events

CharterLinkz Transportation is proud to be the Official Transportation Partner of Battle Sports for all National Events. We provide reliable, comfortable, and safe transportation solutions for teams traveling to Battle Sports youth football tournaments across the country.